Friday 11 July 2014

UNIAC-I (1951):developed by Mauchly and Eckert for the Remington-Rand Corporation.GENERATION OF COMPUTER

UNIAC-I (1951):
UNIVAC I. First-generation computer was characterized by a very prominent feature on the ENIAC, vacuum tubes. Until the year 1950, several other computers using these tubes, each computer provides significant advances in computer development. Development includes arithmetic binary, random access, and the concept of stored programs.
1951 The U.S. Bureau of Census in 1951 installed the first commercial computer called the Universal Automatic Computer – UNIVAC I. UNIVAC I developed by Mauchly and Eckert for the Remington-Rand Corporation.
The first IBM products are sold in the market is the IBM 701 in 1953. Remarkably, the IBM 650 was introduced in the next year that may be the reason IBM is a big benefit in the previous year. To get rid of its competitors, the IBM 650 was made in order to upgrade the machine-punched-card machines available. That’s because IBM 650 data processing in a way similar to the traditional way of punched-card machines.


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